Most interesting film bokeh lenses
Most interesting film bokeh lenses

Unfortunately, in the 35mm camera world, Nikon's F-mount is one of the least-adaptable formats. See: the accepted answer to What is the cause of this non-uniform bokeh effect?, and also, How do I avoid vignetting when shooting through a cut-out for shaped bokeh? Using cut-out shapes applied to the front of your lens, you can create any sort of custom bokeh shape you want. In my opinion, it became an overused fad on Instagram and other photo-sharing social media, such that it suffered from fashion burnout. Several crowdfunding projects were producing such lenses, probably most famously the Lomography Petzval 85mm lens. Petzval-style lenses were fashionable recently in the 2000's and early 2010's. See also: What swirly bokeh technique is this and how can I achieve it? The second image demonstrates "swirly" bokeh, caused by a lens that is uncorrected (or at least under-corrected) for Petzval field curvature. This is not to say that mirror lens bokeh is inherently worse rather, mirror lenses tend to be rather inexpensive, so on the whole, I find the overall consistency of the mirror lens bokeh to be lower than the typical refractive optics lens, even for inexpensive ones (that produce soap bubble bokeh). Personally, I prefer the soap bubbles bokeh from refractive lenses over the bokeh from reflective (mirror) lenses. Over-corrected spherical aberration: As xiota notes answering Besides mirror lenses, what can cause ring-shaped bokeh?, refractive (i.e., non-mirror) optics that over-correct for spherical aberration also produce soap bubble bokeh.This central obstruction results in bokeh with a pronounced soap-bubble-like appearance. Catadioptric (mirror) lenses: Mirror lenses are folded-optics lenses (i.e., like a very short telescope), relying on a secondary mirror directly in the optical path, that acts like a central obstruction in the aperture.There are two primary ways of creating soap bubble bokeh: The first image is a very good example of so-called "soap bubble" bokeh, because, well, it looks a lot like soap bubbles floating around. In order to suggest lenses, we first have to identify what types of bokeh you are interested in, and which lenses exhibit those types of bokeh.

Most interesting film bokeh lenses